This is the blog of Goose, the one who puts a roof over your head and food in your belly. I am getting sick, and soon the farmer is going to stop feeding me and I will stop laying Golden Eggs for you. The farmer in Omaha says I keep getting sicker and sicker and it may soon not be worth feeding me any more. I need your help. Please.* *This is satire, so if you have Lupees you should take this as seriously as you take your fear less leader / representative example...
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Monday, January 16, 2012
Guest Commentary - Cost of Hubris
Bravo. Now that's satire. Though I think the company will shut down EJM long before giving up the only shield we have to low-cost charter. Looks like we will just live with the agreement and endure the PR harm from administrative furlough-recalls. What? Lupee did not tell you about that?
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