Oh boy, it's such a nice weekend, and I am in bed with Lupees. I have it bad, and probably won't be laying any golden eggs any time soon. Maybe you can help - here are my symptoms:
El Presedento and his Lupees-ridden Zombies are acting like O.J. Simpson on their desperate search for the "real killers." They claim that this blog is unhelpful to NetJets and damaging to everyone. Fellow Aviators, the fan mail, notes of encouragement, and positive feedback on the line are quite the opposite. This blog is seen by the silent majority for what it is, pure satire that pulls down the pants of dishonest, self-serving, people who abuse their power and take money from the pilots and then harm NetJets (The Golden Goose). It's real simple, fans and haters alike should listen up: If you read through this blog you can clearly see that the only people actively working to damage NetJets is El Presedente and his Lupeeites.
As for their Juice-like hunt for the "real killer", the message board posts, emails, phone calls to and from yours truly (QS Goose) and current/former volunteers, stewards, and executive board members, gives me all the information any other active and self-aware line pilot needs. After all - it's MY DUES MONEY that is being used to harm The Golden Goose. Just to help them out in their "protesteth too much" approach, I'll give them all the bread crumbs they need to find out who QS Goose is and what they can do about it. Here goes:
1. Line qualified pilot
2. Former union activist
3. Recently on vacation
4. Regularly communicates with executive board members
5. Regularly communicates with stewards
6. Protected by all laws that allow freedom of speech and expression
So... come and get me, biaches! Honk!
The recent pattern of emails, posts, and [political] news letter content from El Presendento and the Lunpeeites shows that they are under pressure to behave more professionally and approach problems in a way that is mutually beneficial to their constituents and The Golden Goose - a nice demonstration of symbiosis that may come at the expense of El Presenento's political power, also known as doing their job. Where is the pressure coming from? Do you really think it is internal and self-motivated? Has the NJASAP Executive Board recovered from Lupees and suddenly decided to act professionally? Your faithful Goose doubts that very much. What is more likely is that my fellow pilots are waking up to the fact that their "elected" leaders think they are idiots and just want to protect their own time off, since work is hard and union duty is quite fluffy. What is even more likely is that questions sent to this blog and incorporated into posts here actually reflect what's going on on the line. Something the Lupeeites would know if they got out and flew. So thank you for honking when you see a Lupeeite, it may turn what I think is a temporary laspse in bad behavior into longer lasting professionalism.
Their behavior of late has put a tune in my head that I just can't get out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Frank Sinatra:
My beloved Goslings, don't be distracted by hardened union representatives doing their best to imitate Japanese diplomats in August of 1941, there are several unresolved lies, ongoing acts of harm, and complete lack of professionalism going on:
- Why has there been no progress made in signing new confidentiality agreements? How can we trust anything the Lupeeites say if they are pushing there own personal agendas?
- Why have their been no guarantees of no additional furloughs? Shouldn't my association be getting in there and working to relieve the pain points in exchange for my job protection? W-T-F!?!
- Why do the Lupeeites on the various message boards keep spinning the truth to harm the current management team? They play fair and diplomatic in the clear, but behind the scenes mar the truth. Just this Thursday an E-Board member told my Captain that he knew the donation to the OSU Center for Aviation Studies was a part of the re-structuring of the original 50 million dollar commitment to OSU and the James Center / Peletonia that was negotiated down to the 2 million donation to the aviation program - as announced in 2009. Ahem - that's a 48 million dollar savings, and NO confidentiality agreement needed to set the record straight. I suppose those with Lupees would rather NetJets had furloughed the full 899 and got the savings that way -that's what's best for their political power and sailing schedule. The Board member went on to say that El Presedento was looking for anything to call management's judgment into question and that it was another great opportunity to make pilots aware that they were being "ripped off" on "distance learning" (see post below) and get them motivated to back the union, even if it bent the truth a little. WOW. What gives, Lupeeites?
So sad, so sad. I am not even sure I can honk one out for you. Deny, deny, deny, and lie. That pattern continues, despite their too-little-too-late brush with professional communications. Stay strong, my fellow Aviators. Perhaps when you see one of them at an FBO, or hear a Lupeeite on the radio, you can honk for me. I will be spending the weekend on the couch trying to recover. Some day aviators will be represented by dedicated professionals interested in mutual success and respect. Until then, enjoy the clowns - it could be worse - they could me mimes.
Don't forget to send me your feedback at save.the.golden.goose@gmail.com and follow me on Twitter @QSGoose.
This is the blog of Goose, the one who puts a roof over your head and food in your belly. I am getting sick, and soon the farmer is going to stop feeding me and I will stop laying Golden Eggs for you. The farmer in Omaha says I keep getting sicker and sicker and it may soon not be worth feeding me any more. I need your help. Please.* *This is satire, so if you have Lupees you should take this as seriously as you take your fear less leader / representative example...