Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lupees Damages The Y Chromosome

             Definitely broken Y chromosomes here.

 "Y Questions"

  1. Why won’t you sign a confidentiality agreement?
  2. Why are you afraid of legal action from NetJets?
  3. Why did you gut the Union Safety Board?
  4. Why did you send that stuff to the Berkshire Hathaway Board?
  5. Why do you bash EVERY management team?
  6. Why do you bash your OWN volunteers?
  7. Why are you spending all OUR dues money on trips?
  8. Why will the Chairman not meet with you?
  9. Why are committee chairs getting fired so regularly?
  10. Why do you keep saying that the world is coming to an end?
  11. Why do you keep comparing NetJets to an airline?
  12. Why do you complain that the airplanes are ratty and then weeks later complain that refurbishing the fleet in the summer time is hurting availability?
  13. Why do you keep attacking the managers that serve us behind their backs?
  14. Why do you not want us to ask questions during recurrent?
  15. Why are you afraid of the truth?
  16. Why can you pretend to know the truth when you can't get data because a line pilot in class has a higher obligation to protect NetJets than you do since you broke the confidentiality agreements?
  17. Why are you burying the management team with letters that have no meaning?
  18. Why do you file grievances and then not move them through arbitration?
  19. Why do you file grievances that you know we will lose, thereby weakening our hard-fought CBA?
  20. Why are you spending money and resources organizing other employee groups and making it harder for NetJets to profit?
  21. Why can’t you see that your actions take money off the table?
  22. Why are you encouraging pilots to call in fatigued when you know that NetJets is measuring our activities like never before?
  23. Why are you taking the scuttlebutt from the message boards and not getting out there on the line and sitting next to an F/O that knows that NetJets knows everything they eat, do, and say, and is terrified that if he follows YOUR advice he will get fired?
  24. Why are you unable to secure just one improvement that is not given to you or already decided by NetJets?
  25. Why do you take credit for what NetJets does, but blame what you do on them?
  26. Why are you acting like we are in the middle of a labor fight when we are in the middle of the fight for market share?
  27. Why does senior management ask us to call them all the time and tells us that we are “executives in the field” and you treat us like we are dumbasses?
  28. Why are flight attendants and mechanics able to get along with NetJets?
  29. Why are you and your team so relaxed?
  30. Why do you know more about nautical rules than you do about aeronautical rules?
  31. Why do I get the feeling that our very own support staff is afraid for their jobs?
  32. Why is flying up since last year and yet you say dues revenue is down?
  33. Why are you so tan and youthful looking?
  34. Why can’t you just get your HONK on?

I know! Because Lupees causes damage to the Y chromosome, and softens brain tissue just like it softens golden egg shell.

Keep on Honkin’ Mutha Honkah’
