De "Lions" mey be Lyin' wen dey anser u . . .
The "What" Questions:
- What is the NJASAP plan for 2011, anyway?
- What are the top ten, no, top three goals of the association?
- What are the plans to get to those goals?
- What are the milestones to those plans?
- What are the top risks to accomplishing your plans?
- What are the key issues that face the membership?
- What are the pertinent details of the fleet plan as they pertain to us?
- What is the current NJASAP budget for the LMRP?
- What is the current budget for supplemental pay for Executive Board Members?
- What is the current schedule of stipends for "volunteers" and "stewards"?
- What is the travel and expense budget for NJASAP for 2011?
- What are the details of trips to date?
- What locations, what hotels, what personnel?
- What was the purpose of each trip?
- What was accomplished during each trip?
- What is the career progression plan for the union staff?
- What is the compensation structure for union staff (is it fair and equitable)?
- What are the assignments for each union staff member?
- What are the 2011 goals for each of the union staff members?
- What is the current status of the "war chest"?
- What are the plans for dues refunds?
- What are the plans for reducing the dues amount or rate?
- What is the plan, if you really believe things are bad and furloughs are imminent, to refund or suspend dues to the bottom 200 pilots?
- What are the specific goals of the NJASAP PAC?
- What is the 2011 plan to accomplish the goals of the NJASAP PAC?
- What is the plan to communicate progress, besides blaming management for everything?
- What is the union strategic plan for influencing management?
- What is the plan for representation after the parent company decides to shrink the company because the rhetoric is interpreted as industrial action?
- What is the union plan to sell a company with high debt, high aircraft orders, low productivity, and the richest labor agreements in the history of aviation?
- What accountability and responsibility does the union have for the training program at the company?
- What accountability and responsibility does the union have for the safety program at the company?
- What is the purpose behind alienating current management by making personal attacks and unfounded accusations during pilot meetings, phone calls, and FBO meetings?
- What is the purpose behind refusing to work with several managers?
- What would the reply be if management refused to work with certain Stewards or executive board members?
- What is the reasoning behind repeatedly demanding that certain managers are disciplined or fired without substantiated cause, while pilots who should be disciplined with cause are defended with the full force of the entire membership?
- What is the strategy behind telling only one side of the story in these situations?
- What is the purpose behind sending personal attack emails to members of management indirectly threatening their families?
- What is the need for such unbelievable defensiveness?
- What is the plan for restoring credibility to the union representational organization?
- What steps are necessary to be taken seriously by management?
- What have the written responses been from management at the parent company?
- What has been your involvement in management politics?
- What contact have you made with management at our competition?
- What efforts have you made to attempt to manipulate pilot behavior?
- What messages have you sent to call pilots to write up airworthy airplanes?
- What is with the hand full of union-selected pilots you have abusing the fatigue policy and causing honest pilots to be unexpectedly extended?
- What messages have you sent to pilots advising them that it is more lucrative to abuse fatigue than use sick time?
- What plan does the leadership have for mending fences with management?
- What is your motivation for canceling long-standing confidentiality agreements?
- What is the purpose of deflecting blame onto management for lack of unity in your own leadership?
- What is the plan for negotiating to close the holes in our scope clause?
- What is the purpose behind empowering NJE pilots to take away our international flying?
- What is the purpose behind meeting with non-pilot groups, lying to them, and encouraging them to organize and further weaken the Golden Goose?
- What amount of union funds have been spent on activities like the above that are, in fact, harmful to the membership?
- What is the plan to prevent additional furloughs?
- What are you going to do after you have burnt the last bridge?
- What is the actual evidence behind your latest round of distracting accusations?
- What is your explanation for firing so many productive union volunteers?
- What is your explanation for intimidating Board Members that do not agree with you?
- What are the details your plans to reward loyal union thugs with additional paid days off?
- What is the plan for partnering with the management team?
- What have you done to convince the new chairman to meet with you?
- What have you done to restore honor to the privilege of representing others?
- What amount of flight time do you have in your log book?
- What amount of line experience do you have in the last 6, 12, 18 months?
- What amount of time do union volunteers, including you, spend AT HOME doing "union duty"?
- What is the purpose behind being a "career union guy"?
- What was the last dispute that you brought to a mutually acceptable solution?
- What was the last "solution" that you presented to management that you did not actually EXPECT to be rejected?
- What will the harm be to the CBA when we lose even one meritless class-action grievance?
- What is the purpose in filing grievances that you know will fail?
- What do you hope to accomplish by not meeting with your counterpart in management - EVER - and refusing to even make or receive phone calls?
- What have the responses been to your massive letter-writing-instead-of meeting campaign?
- What do you hope to accomplish by purposely cutting yourself off from confidential information?
- What are you using to inform your business decisions?
- What is the plan to speak with credibility without access to the information you need to do your job?
- What are your dealings with former executives, former employees, and other disgruntled individuals that would like to see the Golden Goose fail?
- What information do the enemies of the Golden Goose have that help you?
- What is your plan to restore your credibility?
- What amount of time do you spend trying to silence dissenting voices rather than considering how to better represent them?
- What are you going to do about all these simple questions other than to say the list is too exhaustive to respond to and that it must all be union busting?
- What will you say when the whispers begin, "hey, that's five questions I sent to Goose"?
- What would you say if you were told that EVERY question in this list came in via email - in the last 36 hours?
- What will any answer look like that is not an excuse, deflection, or counter-attack?
- What does a letter or story that you or your thugs write for yourself look like, other than an absence of "to wits," "henceforths," and a peppering of "thuslyness"?
- What will you do when the rest of the pilots begin thinking for themselves and demand concise, honest answers backed up by solid data?
- What will it take for you to put the interests of the pilots above your own personal interests?
- What are your plans for retirement?
- What consultant gigs are available for people with your experience?
- What is IBT 1108 up to?
- What is IBT 1108 doing for the industry and the profession?
- What are your strategic plans to protect us from seniority integration (1108)?
- What kind of representation is required to keep 300 pilots from signing a recall petition?
- What is the explanation for why phone calls from members are not returned?
- What is the explanation for why emails from members are not returned?
- What is the reasoning behind selectively backing certain grievances of "friends of the union" and ignoring the issues of others?
- What is with all the anger?
- What is with the non-stop sniping?
- What is with the lack of openness to criticism?
- What is with the quitting your position and then staying on the job?
- What does integrity mean to you / what the Hell are you doing with my money?
"What is with all the anger?" Have faith - even Britney recovered! |
Thanks to all for your many contributions. I bet the next golden egg that these questions will be ignored, responded to generally, or selectively picked out and put in the spinning machine. Good luck with your Lupees recovery.
[More to come . . . ]
["When" questions . . . ]
["Where" questions . . . ]
["How" questions . . . ]
[An my favorite . . . ]
["Who" questions.]
Maybe union duty ain't so fluffy after all.