Sunday, June 19, 2011

How In The World?

...based on the June 17, 2011 Eno Eno Rouf.


QSG Sorting Through Union Leadership Info
I. "How Questions" for QSG:

1. How do you expect us to check in on this blog when you post so infrequently, and then you make massive changes?
Sorry but I have to put the family first sometimes. You are my second family - promise.

2. How is this blog going to help the "Real Golden Goose"?
If we stay asleep and allow the current leadership plan to unfold, we will all be looking to start over on another seniority list somewhere. I trust that if you just get involved a little bit that we will all make it.

3. How do you live with yourself when you know your content makes the junior pilots feel so insecure?
Sometimes the truth is painful. Every pilot has a professional responsibility to stay involved - when you have chosen union representation your continued involvement is not optional - unless of course you want more of the same. As far as insecurity is concerned, QSG is not the one telling the junior pilots that anything is less than stellar. This blog is full of honkin' questions.

4. How do you know so much about what's going on?
I get involved. I care. I make the phone calls. I write the emails. I volunteer(ed). I ask "management" and "the union" the same questions. I know the truth when I see it. I take responsibility for my own future. I trust and verify. I do not try, I do.

5. How can I help?
See the previous answer and try to give a crap about something other than yourself. To those who know what that means, you have my honkin' thanks.

Management: Call the EAP

II. "How Questions" for MANAGEMENT:

1. How many hours do senior executives spend responding to union leadership requests?

2. How well is the relationship going now that the Labor-Management partnership has been fully converted to a bargaining process?

3. How much time does flight operations leadership spend responding to rumors started by union leadership?

4.  How seriously are the numerous letters, emails, and position papers taken by management and the parent company?

5. How often do you hear these words from union leadership:
 - "How can we help solve this problem that will affect both of us?"
 - "What can we do to contribute?"
 - "If you help us with this minor issue, we can help you with that minor issue."
 - "We understand that NetJets is not an airline."

Hold 411 in hand and click to activate
III. "How Questions" for UNION LEADERSHIP:

1. How do you explain the difference between your continuous message to the pilots that NetJets is shrinking to oblivion and the need to invest millions in permanent infrastructure without involving the membership in the process?

2. How are you going to raise the money to continue funding multiple union reps full line pilot salary when they don't fly, and only spend a few days each month in CMH, and you claim that soon the pilot group will be shrinking?

3. How is the method of spending dues money bringing everyone to CMH to write dozens of letters to management working, versus saddling up to the table with management or writing letters FROM THE ROAD LIKE A REAL STRONG UNION!?

4. How is it possible that the elected leadership can only maintain civilized and professional communications for two weeks; is the new method to have non-subject matter experts write disparaging articles to keep the "SMEs" clean (what does Trustee BM have to do with Safety? Wait, what does a non-SME G200 PIC Steward have to do with Safety?)?

5. How can you offer up an airline-style confidentiality agreement as standard and right? Name one airline using that agreement that has a working relationship with management.

Bonus: How can you continue to claim that a furlough is imminent and not have a dues refund for junior pilots on the table?

Fully-funded representation

You can dress it up all you like, but this is as good as it gets.



The "Where" questions are next, with a focus on the "Financial Reports" from the "Hard Working Treasurer"