Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no Lupees
Fuzzy Wuzzy hates to fly
Fuzzy Wuzzy likes to picket
Fuzzy Wuzzy is always tired
Does Fuzzy Wuzzy have Lupees or the perfect cause to be Lazy Bear?
Breaking News... early in November Fuzzy Wuzzy aka "Lazy Bear" suddenly buries the hatchet with his longtime nemesis Luther Lupee and they agree that they have both had enough of the companies antics of ignoring groups of people out to kill the golden goose. Last week Fuzzy drives to the Goose's Nest on his own time and pickets, posing for pictures, then makes sure all the Goose's competition believes there is labor strife at the Goose. On Wednesday, Fuzzy Wuzzy is amongst the 45 po-pilots that declare total war on the goose and proudly proclaim they are - "duh," in for a pound! Fan mail sent to the goose on Friday reveals that both Fuzzy Wuzzy and Diamond Jim called in fatigued the first chance they got. Now we know flying 72 days a year can be really grueling, and some days might require the po-lots to go to bed early and/or even, gasp, call and ask for more rest. But, see, Lazy Bear has gone and called off 19 times so far this year.
So let me ask you honkers out there... If Fuzzy Wuzzy thinks that damaging sales by joining with Lupee to fake conflict also thinks abusing policy (each call causes 1-5 flights to be rescheduled and usually causes real pilots to have to sit standby longer and/or have longer days) and harming real pilots is the way to conduct yourself professionally, then either Wuzzy has got Lupees real bad or this is just another excuse for Lazy Bear to take advantage of everyone else. I, for one, am totally shocked that our naive and inexperienced CEO would not want to meet with hot-shots like these, because they obviously have an interest in helping the goose survive and thrive, right? Sure.
Meanwhile, at Diamond Jim's Arcade and house of mirrors, this know-it-all po-lot who claims to care about other employees and wants to help the goose, promotes himself to Picket Captain on Monday, sends photos of picketers to the competition on Tuesday, and takes offense because no one wants to hear his twisted bullshit on Wednesday, then calls in fatigued on his first day of actual work. If this is Diamond Jim's idea of unity and leadership, then I suppose we are going to need all the charitable contributions we can possibly make because this kind of goose-choking will put all of us out of work.
Meanwhile, Mini-Me, Pedro's Posse, and all the other bitter ex-management and former airline-strife Lupeeites are calling for all-out war against the goose, starting with full-blown (dramatic music and drum roll please)... the devastating.... My Union Speaks for Me Silent Treatment.
Oh NOOOOO! Well, maybe the fatigue abusers and airplane breakers can help the picketers put us all out of business before we have to listen to this kind of union. At least it will be peaceful and quiet as the silent majority follows the program and watches their careers get flushed down the drain.
Have a happy weekend of silent treatments, extra work from fatigue abusers, and extra airlining to airplanes that aren't really broken.
This is the blog of Goose, the one who puts a roof over your head and food in your belly. I am getting sick, and soon the farmer is going to stop feeding me and I will stop laying Golden Eggs for you. The farmer in Omaha says I keep getting sicker and sicker and it may soon not be worth feeding me any more. I need your help. Please.* *This is satire, so if you have Lupees you should take this as seriously as you take your fear less leader / representative example...