- Disregard for the fact that the Union retirement committee knew everything about the changes early in 2011
- Disregard for the fact that union counsel rejected an offer from the company to act as fiduciary to the plan
- Disregard for the fact that the law prevents non-fiduciaries from having full plan information
- Disrespect for the membership by lying and turning a change in third-party administration into a plan change when plan benefits have been unchanged
- Disrespect for other employees by putting up billboards and informational pickets that Lupees knows will drive owners to fly the competition
- Disrespect for all employees by lying by omission and not revealing that the plan fiduciary is a retirement committee made up of employees and not senior leadership
- Disregarding years of Strong Union progress, unity, and sacrifice by acting like and partnering with the very truck-driver union we spent millions of dollars separating from
- Disregarding Union Duty of Fair Representation by spending dues money and union credibility organizing other employee groups across the globe on a foundation of lies and half-truths that will bring about the end of the company