Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eno-Eno-Ruof Review

The No Jobs After Silly Avoidance of Partnership 411
Friday, April 22, 2001 Edition

Paragraph #

Lupees Letter:

Mutually beneficial & productive
By mutually, he means him and his cohorts
By productive, he means that by not showing up to the meetings and cancelling confidentiality agreements he can then throw poison pill proposals across the table that will force NetJets to look obstructionist.

Variety of correspondence
Again, what about the correspondence that is not disclosed to the membership? I have seen the correspondence section on and seen where the union declared the distance learning section of the agreement dead. Why can they do that without a vote? There has been so much to do about this, they forgot to tell us they cancelled the provision.

Once we receive responses to these letters
Why is he a no show at every session? Why will he not sign a confidentiality agreement? Why is this a game to him?

Final note
Again, thanks for spending time and resources on something that will not help us after you have the company shut down through your horseplay and union organizing. Nice going @$$ wipes!

The next letter in the not-a-day-off issue (cow-tow-to-da-boss corner) is fairly factual. Beware the technique of presuming that the article is the foundation for fully stipened and appointed union peeps to render an opinion about how the business works. They would have to show up and try to help. Good contract analysis, zero mention of how the contract affects the business.

So the 411 Formula for this week is: Complete garbage + plausible facts + zero accountability or interest in impact of information on the operation = more ignorance, lies of omission, and “don’t worry, just keep paying me” goose-killing crap.

Honk Honk!



My Fellow Aviators,

I am not feeling so good. I haven't laid a golden egg in days. It's probably because my savior fell from grace. More proof that the higher they rise, the harder they fall.

The CEO before last was really smart. So smart that he thinks he can run the numbers and beat the odds in any gamble. I am sure he thought handing the reins over to a party planner from the Oprah show, a child from Duke, and a card team that can sell (but spend more than they sell... right out of business) was a good gamble. It really felt good when he would brush his employees and compliment them and treat them like prize horses but in the end, when he found out he was not the heir apparent, he went insane and nearly spent me  into oblivion.

Sounds like I am talking about Sokol? Nope. Santulli. Sokol is another bird. He was a bully. A raving bully. But a very astute planner and excellent business man, and he was my bully. All sports analogy but no sportsmanship. He really did get things done. Now he found out he wasn't the chosen one and HE too went insane. Interestingly enough, no NetJets leader in the history of the company has had more in common with the president of the NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots, Mark Luthi.

Let's see what traits they have in common, at least according to their critics:

1. Stubborn - Check
2. Bully - Check
3. People and organizations refuse to do business with them - Check
4. Bend the facts so as to deceive - Check
5. The ends justify the means - Check
6. Regularly send unsolicited material to Berkshire Hathaway - Check

You know, they both have something in common with someone else we all know.

But they are NOT winning, duh! Mark has been unable to produce real results, other than those given to him, since the day Bill Olsen stopped changing his diaper. Luthi has repeatedly violated confidentiality rules and engaged in bad faith behavior to the point of it being routine. He proudly announced that he has cancelled his confidentiality agreements with NetJets and has declared he feels free to communicate with whomever he wants, whenever he wants, regarding NetJets or any other matter. Why? So he can disclose that another fleet is leaving and cause disarray in the contract renewal process? So he can take information and spin it grossly out of context to the media or the board or anyone who will listen to him in a pathetic attempt to engage in industrial action and try to get something, anything done for once - other than interfere with productive volunteers on almost every committee?

I am not laying any more golden eggs. It's totally obvious. With the scrutiny that Sokol is under Berkshire Hathaway will have to investigate every business that Sokol was involved in and justify to the shareholders why that company is a sound investment. I am a low margin bird and everyone knows it. Charter is still cheap cheap cheap and I have one HONKING bill for my services. Pretend to be a Berkshire board member and look at NetJets:
  • Business model sustainable? Undetermined
  • Consistently makes money? No
  • Orders on the books? >$14B
  • Debt? >$1B
  • Assets? $2.5B
  • Customer base (in flight hours)? Shrinking
  • Customer base (numerically)? Increasing
  • Irrational, unsubstantiated rhetoric from unions? Steady
  • Union organizing? Increasing (funded by Pilot Union)
  • Unions acting as business partners? None
  • Unions with business skill or understanding? None
  • Damage to brand from winning activity of former chairman and union president? Totally
I am going to update my resume. Maybe there is a nice petting zoo in Montreal that needs a Goose that used to lay golden eggs. Perhaps I can fly away before the unions kill me dead on my nest. I am sure the unions will try and convince you that someone will buy me - but I would not buy me - I have Lupees (it's like herpes but caused by NJASAP). This kind of misrepresentation makes the Fab Five look like geniuses.

No. It's probably too late. The people within the union who knew how to act in good faith and apply interest bargaining are all gone, and the pilots are really fat (nice crew food), dumb ("My Lupee speaks and thinks for me"), and happy (I just show up and fly - look at my nice contract - I got everything I wanted for four whole years - then we went bust).

So be happy, because you're


Honk-a-Honk Honk


Saturday, April 23, 2011

"When you grow a pear you can call me back."

Rumor has it that one "Union President" [El Presidente] has sent a stack of letters. What is missing, among other things, from El Presendente's disclosure is the letters missing from what is on the boards - also known as more milestones in a long string of lies by omission.

You should ask him, "El Presidente, is it true you refuse to meet face to face with your counterparts? Are you throwing in the towel?"

I am as sure as the feathers on my back that he will reply with a long string of reasons why he cannot work with current company leaders. Please see the sidebar below and to the right. I am quite sure that he would have a problem communicating with a company representative if said rep. walked on water, wore a robe, had a beard, a brilliant aura, and promised eternal salvation.

It's like this: In order to make progress, real progress, you must have the ability to act like a fair human being and stand up to the message board morons. The union is not a personality cult (well, it is now), it is a business run by pilots (supposed to be) in a professional manner (again, in theory), acting like business people (currently qualified for Razzie Awards, if we're talking about acting like), and advancing pilot interests in a way that benefits the entire company for the long term. In other words - STOP KILLING THE GOLDEN GOOSE!

Full review of the 1-1-[all]-4[me] "news letter" after the holiday. Until then, ask El Presidente for ALL the letters. If you want him to make progress, tell him to grow a pair and call Mr. Eyer back.

For El Presidente, a theme song:

Honk! Honk!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday / Good Service / Good Mail

Lovers of Golden Eggs:

Today the Goose is recovering from more than 500 owner flights. Thank you for feeding me and taking good care of me. Great days like that make me thankful that you care and that you care about each other. That's all. Today is a holiday and many of you are out there taking care of me. I could not be more grateful and thankful for you. Here are a few quotes from the Egg Files to keep you going.

Good Friday

"John 3:16. We love you too, and we will live to love others just as much as you love us."
- Anonymous, Independent Thinker
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand"
- Karl Marx, Union Advocate

Good Service

"A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large."
- Henry Ford, American Industrialist 
"I see no evidence that the company is prepared to grow, and have no reason to believe management is interested in solving pilot issues."
- Current Pilot Union President, Spending Pilot Dues Organizing Non-Pilots

Good Mail
Introducing Golden Mail, mail from viewers just like you. You can email questions and comments to
April 19, 2011
"You are obviously a union-busting thug trying to intimidate our current leadership. My union speaks for me! My union speaks for me! My union speaks for me!"
- Compilation of various emails received on April 19

Dear Union Executive Board,

Thank you for taking an interest in The Golden Goose. Just because someone does not think like one of the three dozen morons that have taken over the message board and are the source behind your Goose-killing "strategy" does not mean that professional union-busters are here. I would say that the way you write leading questions in your surveys and have them asked over the phone instead of placed on writing allow you to twist the words of the pilots just like you twist the words of every management and union leadership team you interact with. If you writers are not the "elected" union thugs, appointees, and duly stipend puppets, then this is your notice that the ones that do "speak for you" are killing me. If I could hire "union-busters" I would, but the union leadership seems to be doing a great job of busting themselves. It's simple - no Goose, no NetJets, no Union. Just keep it up, @$$-wipes, and destruction is mutually assured.

There is a small chance that one or two of the emails came from the types of pilots that need a union. You know them - late all the time, constantly scamming the system, banging in sick to get a better schedule. If one of those emails was from you, I am so sorry - you should not have been hired in the first place. I am sure you are freaked out that NetJets is now measuring everything - they probably know you by your first name, zip code, dietary habits, pattern of "unscheduled rest," and owner complaints. I suggest you get elected as a union leader and stop flying the line, like the president, treasurer, government affairs guy, and safety guy do now. Hey wait a minute! Hooooonk Hoooonk!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Distance Learning Primer

Q: Which one is the union boss?

Who gave away distance learning and is trying to pretend they didn't?

The answer will not surprise you at this point.


Ask Mother Goose

Dear Mother,

What is "Duty of Fair Representation?"


Captain H.

Dear Captain H,

According to, "Duty of fair representation is the legal duty of a union to equally, and in good faith, represent every employee in a bargaining unit, regardless of whether the employee is a union member or not.  A breach of the statutory duty of fair representation occurs only when a union's conduct toward a member of the collective bargaining unit is arbitrary, discriminatory, or in bad faith.

The duty of fair representation requires that a union represent all workers equally and without prejudice. A union cannot refuse to represent or improperly represent a worker due to the worker’s age, race, creed, nationality, sex, religion, political beliefs, union status or personality. If a union fails to represent a worker due to prejudice or hostility the union can be held liable. Its purpose is to ensure that the course of action in any grievance case will be determined by the merits of the grievance, and not by the merits of the grievant. The union may refuse to file or process a grievance for any number of reasons so long as they are valid, however it may not arbitrarily refuse to process a meritorious grievance or decline to proceed to arbitration because of hostility to the grievant or irrelevant and ill-motivated reasons" That is sort of right. Better examples can be found here, such as:
"A Union breaches its duty of fair representation if its bargaining position is motivated . by hostility or illegal considerations.

1. Red Ball Motor Freight, Inc., 157 NLRB 1237, 61 LRRM 1522 (1966), enf’d, 379 F.2d 137,65 LRRM 2309 (D.C. Cir. 1967).
A Union was liable where it refused to consider an alternative bargaining position because it wanted to advance its interest in winning a representation election." and,

"Air Line Pilots Assoc. v. O’Neill, 499 U.S. 65, 67 (1991)
Court held that “a union’s actions are arbitrary only if, in light of the factual and legal landscape at the time of the union’s actions, the union’s behavior is so far outside a `wide range of reasonableness,’ as to be irrational.” and,

"Several Circuits find Union liability if the Union is unable to articulate a rational explanation for its conduct. See, e.g., NLRB v. Teamsters, Local 282, 740 F.2d 141, 116 LRRM 3292 (2d Cir. 1984); White v. Arco/Polymers, Inc., 720 F.2d 1391, 115 LRRM 2332 (5th Cir. 1983); Ruzicka v. General Motors Corp., 649 F.2d 1207, 107 LRRM 2726 (6th Cir. 1981); NLRB v. Postal Workers, 618 F.2d 1249;103 LRRM 3045 (8th Cir. 1980); Segarra v. Sea-Land Service, Inc., 581 F.2d 291, 99 LRR
22198 (1st Cir. 1978); Foust v. Electrical Workers, IBEW, 572 F.2d 710, 97 LRRM 3040 (10th Cir. 1978), rev’d on other grounds, 442 U.S. 42, 101 LRRM 2365 (1979)."

It is possible that someone could discriminate against you because of the air carrier you used to be a part of, or if your seniority differs significantly from the person ignoring your opinion. This reminds me of a poem I once wrote:

There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile,
And found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile,
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Keep asking questions. Ask a labor lawyer and you might get the representation you pay for.



Monday, April 18, 2011


Did you know that if you have the text editor read the union newsletter backwards it reads as fact instead of politically-motivated fiction?

Let's bring the news into the nest and go in order, paragraph by paragraph through the April 15 issue:

Letter from TNEDISERP NOINU EHT (I think that's Polynesian for - "In My Self-Interest")

Here are the PARA-FACTS:

1.  He is interested in something that came to light . . 

- NetJets has told us again and again that they crew to demand, and that we have over 100 aircraft worth of unsold shares - that's a surplus to me. Why is he so surprised?
- This PARA-FALSE links fleet planning to subcontracting. Honk! Honk! I think he forgot that we dispose of end-of-life airframes at the rate of 45-60 per year - and it's in the fleet hammock (er, plan).
- NetJets has repeatedly said that demand is well below 2007 highs and TNEDISERP NOINU EHT acts as though this is again a surprise. Honk! 
- Subcontracting has nothing to do with the fleet plan, is and always will be a necessary part of fractional aviation - even the owners agree that they need it, albeit a limited amount.

Me thinks we change his title from TNEDISERP NOINU EHT to "Sir Mix A-Lot" since he is trying to spin separate issuers together to frighten us. This makes my golden egg-spincter tighten uncomfortably.

2. This para-farce contradicts the first one.

- Honk! I'll have what he's having. That will loosen me up some.

3. He says something is missing here . . . 

- Indeed, TNEDISERP NOINU EHT, THE TRUTH! We know you have seen the plan, you and your fellow e-bored (from not flying) members have told me! Supah-HONK!

- TNEDISERP NOINU EHT must need to update his address with NetJets, and catch-up on official email, because the his questions here have been asked and answered. I am sure if he sends his fully stipend-ed political thugs (sdrawets) to spread the confusion that I might loose focus. Honk! Say, when was the last time you needed one of them? Do they really need more? As an aside, how much from YOUR piece of the golden egg are they taking?

- I think it has been repeated many times that incremental increases in demand are not growth, but owners flying off unused hours they held during the recession, and that purchased and delivered aircraft to support airframes needed to support demand is what growth is, and many many pilots have been told repeatedly that we are budgeted to be down by one whole airplane by year end. Where has TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and his thugs been? Club Med? On a boat? Can't be - it's not delegate to third string season yet.

4. The "timeline" . . .

- See, when I was in flying school timelines were supposed to be facts, not 20% news, 40% editorial comments, and 40% goose poop. This is such obvious Union FUD (Fear, uncertainty, and doubt) that it is clearly written to inspire additional organizing at NetJets and further kill me and cut off my Golden eggs. I am weary of this approach. Why doesn't TNEDISERP NOINU EHT just de-feather me and cook me, then all his constituents can join the bottom of every one else's seniority lists while he retires and goes to work for the IBT or ALPA. Wow. Super-weak hooooonnnnnk.

- Shout-out for Flight Options? Seriously? Who's side are you on? Check the Flight Options timeline, it does not include keeping pilots on the seniority in anticipation of growth in 2013 after completing half of a fleet refresh and requiring extra pilots for training. Instead they had to furlough every last pilot just to make payroll. NetJets furloughed the absolute minimum - but I am sure TNEDISERP NOINU EHT would have enjoyed it if NetJets furloughed 1200, would it not have been for the loss in booze, oh, I mean dues money. This is so out of line, obviously they are drinking behind closed doors. H-H-HELI-HONK!

5. Words and actions lining up . . . 

- Goslings, this here is some good self-talk. Hopefully he and his appointed, anointed, and stipened thugs read it while looking in the mirror.

6. & 7. 

- Blathering with innuendo and trying to squeeze free eggs out of me. Hey TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and thugs, I ain't free - you must feed me - bring something to the table besides chicken feed. Honk!

- I would be skeptical and cautious myself if all attempts to secure my political future were met with reasonable business responses that revealed my incompetence. I am sure it is hard to study the facts with eyes that won't clear because of tear ducts clogged with sand, so please save me and help TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and appointed, anointed, stipened thugs pull their heads out of their 

sand holes.

Other highlights from the Eno-Eno-Ruof:

- Thanks for the supplemental health insurance, you non-current ground-pounding Dweebs. It will really help when we go out of business or half of us are furloughed.

I four one one am looking forward to the next issue. I believe it will be very useful . . .  for lining my nest. Honk! Honk!


Deep Thoughts with Goose

"Geese take turns leading the flock. The flight leader thinks for the formation. 
Pilots, on the other hand, elect leaders to represent their interests. The elected leaders never think for the pilots. Are you a goose or a pilot?"

Would you bet your future on that?


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Adopt a Golden Goose Today

Hello Fellow Aviators,

Welcome to my nest. Goose here. I need your help. I am very sick and getting sicker by the day. If it keeps going al 2005 style then I may soon die and stop laying my beautiful eggs. Won't you help? Won't you get involved? I hope so. My momma was a stork and she was the giving kind and she done taught me to speak from the heart more than the beak, so I wrote all you NetJets aviators a nursery rhyme:

Whose the Goose that lays the eggs?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the Goose providing for so many families?
It's me! It's me!

Who's the one with hatred in his eyes?
Who's the one who cannot compromise?

Who's the bird that has already been #$%@-ed?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the bird that's had all his feathers plucked?
It's me! It's me!

Who is using dues money to organize all others?
Who is spending time helping european mother-@#$%-ers?

Who's the Goose that wants you in his nest 'till you retire?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the Goose that needs you to inspire?
It's me! It's me!

Who is running a business to line their pockets with dues?
Who tells you what you want to hear and pays for your booze?
Who wants to build a rep as a company destroyah?
Who wants to build his resume, leave me dead, then retire?

Wake up, my goslings. This is no dream, it is real. Don't take my word for it, you are smart, this ain't surreal. Ask some questions before you jump:

1. What't the strategy, my leftist friend?
2. What are you spending my dues money on, my money, where do you send?
3. Are you acting on our best interest or will you just not bend?
4. A stronger goose you are not creating, to hell will go my career, when will this end?

I am sick, I am tired, and I have been strangled for so long, this model may be retired.

Just look for the goose poop on their shoes - it will look and smell like the crap they call news.

Welcome to my nest, your home, your future.