Monday, April 18, 2011


Did you know that if you have the text editor read the union newsletter backwards it reads as fact instead of politically-motivated fiction?

Let's bring the news into the nest and go in order, paragraph by paragraph through the April 15 issue:

Letter from TNEDISERP NOINU EHT (I think that's Polynesian for - "In My Self-Interest")

Here are the PARA-FACTS:

1.  He is interested in something that came to light . . 

- NetJets has told us again and again that they crew to demand, and that we have over 100 aircraft worth of unsold shares - that's a surplus to me. Why is he so surprised?
- This PARA-FALSE links fleet planning to subcontracting. Honk! Honk! I think he forgot that we dispose of end-of-life airframes at the rate of 45-60 per year - and it's in the fleet hammock (er, plan).
- NetJets has repeatedly said that demand is well below 2007 highs and TNEDISERP NOINU EHT acts as though this is again a surprise. Honk! 
- Subcontracting has nothing to do with the fleet plan, is and always will be a necessary part of fractional aviation - even the owners agree that they need it, albeit a limited amount.

Me thinks we change his title from TNEDISERP NOINU EHT to "Sir Mix A-Lot" since he is trying to spin separate issuers together to frighten us. This makes my golden egg-spincter tighten uncomfortably.

2. This para-farce contradicts the first one.

- Honk! I'll have what he's having. That will loosen me up some.

3. He says something is missing here . . . 

- Indeed, TNEDISERP NOINU EHT, THE TRUTH! We know you have seen the plan, you and your fellow e-bored (from not flying) members have told me! Supah-HONK!

- TNEDISERP NOINU EHT must need to update his address with NetJets, and catch-up on official email, because the his questions here have been asked and answered. I am sure if he sends his fully stipend-ed political thugs (sdrawets) to spread the confusion that I might loose focus. Honk! Say, when was the last time you needed one of them? Do they really need more? As an aside, how much from YOUR piece of the golden egg are they taking?

- I think it has been repeated many times that incremental increases in demand are not growth, but owners flying off unused hours they held during the recession, and that purchased and delivered aircraft to support airframes needed to support demand is what growth is, and many many pilots have been told repeatedly that we are budgeted to be down by one whole airplane by year end. Where has TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and his thugs been? Club Med? On a boat? Can't be - it's not delegate to third string season yet.

4. The "timeline" . . .

- See, when I was in flying school timelines were supposed to be facts, not 20% news, 40% editorial comments, and 40% goose poop. This is such obvious Union FUD (Fear, uncertainty, and doubt) that it is clearly written to inspire additional organizing at NetJets and further kill me and cut off my Golden eggs. I am weary of this approach. Why doesn't TNEDISERP NOINU EHT just de-feather me and cook me, then all his constituents can join the bottom of every one else's seniority lists while he retires and goes to work for the IBT or ALPA. Wow. Super-weak hooooonnnnnk.

- Shout-out for Flight Options? Seriously? Who's side are you on? Check the Flight Options timeline, it does not include keeping pilots on the seniority in anticipation of growth in 2013 after completing half of a fleet refresh and requiring extra pilots for training. Instead they had to furlough every last pilot just to make payroll. NetJets furloughed the absolute minimum - but I am sure TNEDISERP NOINU EHT would have enjoyed it if NetJets furloughed 1200, would it not have been for the loss in booze, oh, I mean dues money. This is so out of line, obviously they are drinking behind closed doors. H-H-HELI-HONK!

5. Words and actions lining up . . . 

- Goslings, this here is some good self-talk. Hopefully he and his appointed, anointed, and stipened thugs read it while looking in the mirror.

6. & 7. 

- Blathering with innuendo and trying to squeeze free eggs out of me. Hey TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and thugs, I ain't free - you must feed me - bring something to the table besides chicken feed. Honk!

- I would be skeptical and cautious myself if all attempts to secure my political future were met with reasonable business responses that revealed my incompetence. I am sure it is hard to study the facts with eyes that won't clear because of tear ducts clogged with sand, so please save me and help TNEDISERP NOINU EHT and appointed, anointed, stipened thugs pull their heads out of their 

sand holes.

Other highlights from the Eno-Eno-Ruof:

- Thanks for the supplemental health insurance, you non-current ground-pounding Dweebs. It will really help when we go out of business or half of us are furloughed.

I four one one am looking forward to the next issue. I believe it will be very useful . . .  for lining my nest. Honk! Honk!