The No Jobs After Silly Avoidance of Partnership 411
Friday, April 22, 2001 Edition
Paragraph #
Lupees Letter:
Mutually beneficial & productive
By mutually, he means him and his cohorts
By productive, he means that by not showing up to the meetings and cancelling confidentiality agreements he can then throw poison pill proposals across the table that will force NetJets to look obstructionist.
Variety of correspondence
Again, what about the correspondence that is not disclosed to the membership? I have seen the correspondence section on and seen where the union declared the distance learning section of the agreement dead. Why can they do that without a vote? There has been so much to do about this, they forgot to tell us they cancelled the provision.
Once we receive responses to these letters
Why is he a no show at every session? Why will he not sign a confidentiality agreement? Why is this a game to him?
Final note
Again, thanks for spending time and resources on something that will not help us after you have the company shut down through your horseplay and union organizing. Nice going @$$ wipes!
The next letter in the not-a-day-off issue (cow-tow-to-da-boss corner) is fairly factual. Beware the technique of presuming that the article is the foundation for fully stipened and appointed union peeps to render an opinion about how the business works. They would have to show up and try to help. Good contract analysis, zero mention of how the contract affects the business.
So the 411 Formula for this week is: Complete garbage + plausible facts + zero accountability or interest in impact of information on the operation = more ignorance, lies of omission, and “don’t worry, just keep paying me” goose-killing crap.
Honk Honk!