Hello Fellow Aviators,
Welcome to my nest. Goose here. I need your help. I am very sick and getting sicker by the day. If it keeps going al 2005 style then I may soon die and stop laying my beautiful eggs. Won't you help? Won't you get involved? I hope so. My momma was a stork and she was the giving kind and she done taught me to speak from the heart more than the beak, so I wrote all you NetJets aviators a nursery rhyme:
Whose the Goose that lays the eggs?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the Goose providing for so many families?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the one with hatred in his eyes?
Who's the one who cannot compromise?
Who's the bird that has already been #$%@-ed?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the bird that's had all his feathers plucked?
It's me! It's me!
Who is using dues money to organize all others?
Who is spending time helping european mother-@#$%-ers?
Who's the Goose that wants you in his nest 'till you retire?
It's me! It's me!
Who's the Goose that needs you to inspire?
It's me! It's me!
Who is running a business to line their pockets with dues?
Who tells you what you want to hear and pays for your booze?
Who wants to build a rep as a company destroyah?
Who wants to build his resume, leave me dead, then retire?
Wake up, my goslings. This is no dream, it is real. Don't take my word for it, you are smart, this ain't surreal. Ask some questions before you jump:
1. What't the strategy, my leftist friend?
2. What are you spending my dues money on, my money, where do you send?
3. Are you acting on our best interest or will you just not bend?
4. A stronger goose you are not creating, to hell will go my career, when will this end?
I am sick, I am tired, and I have been strangled for so long, this model may be retired.
Just look for the goose poop on their shoes - it will look and smell like the crap they call news.
Welcome to my nest, your home, your future.
This is the blog of Goose, the one who puts a roof over your head and food in your belly. I am getting sick, and soon the farmer is going to stop feeding me and I will stop laying Golden Eggs for you. The farmer in Omaha says I keep getting sicker and sicker and it may soon not be worth feeding me any more. I need your help. Please.* *This is satire, so if you have Lupees you should take this as seriously as you take your fear less leader / representative example...