Sunday, June 19, 2011

How In The World?

...based on the June 17, 2011 Eno Eno Rouf.


QSG Sorting Through Union Leadership Info
I. "How Questions" for QSG:

1. How do you expect us to check in on this blog when you post so infrequently, and then you make massive changes?
Sorry but I have to put the family first sometimes. You are my second family - promise.

2. How is this blog going to help the "Real Golden Goose"?
If we stay asleep and allow the current leadership plan to unfold, we will all be looking to start over on another seniority list somewhere. I trust that if you just get involved a little bit that we will all make it.

3. How do you live with yourself when you know your content makes the junior pilots feel so insecure?
Sometimes the truth is painful. Every pilot has a professional responsibility to stay involved - when you have chosen union representation your continued involvement is not optional - unless of course you want more of the same. As far as insecurity is concerned, QSG is not the one telling the junior pilots that anything is less than stellar. This blog is full of honkin' questions.

4. How do you know so much about what's going on?
I get involved. I care. I make the phone calls. I write the emails. I volunteer(ed). I ask "management" and "the union" the same questions. I know the truth when I see it. I take responsibility for my own future. I trust and verify. I do not try, I do.

5. How can I help?
See the previous answer and try to give a crap about something other than yourself. To those who know what that means, you have my honkin' thanks.

Management: Call the EAP

II. "How Questions" for MANAGEMENT:

1. How many hours do senior executives spend responding to union leadership requests?

2. How well is the relationship going now that the Labor-Management partnership has been fully converted to a bargaining process?

3. How much time does flight operations leadership spend responding to rumors started by union leadership?

4.  How seriously are the numerous letters, emails, and position papers taken by management and the parent company?

5. How often do you hear these words from union leadership:
 - "How can we help solve this problem that will affect both of us?"
 - "What can we do to contribute?"
 - "If you help us with this minor issue, we can help you with that minor issue."
 - "We understand that NetJets is not an airline."

Hold 411 in hand and click to activate
III. "How Questions" for UNION LEADERSHIP:

1. How do you explain the difference between your continuous message to the pilots that NetJets is shrinking to oblivion and the need to invest millions in permanent infrastructure without involving the membership in the process?

2. How are you going to raise the money to continue funding multiple union reps full line pilot salary when they don't fly, and only spend a few days each month in CMH, and you claim that soon the pilot group will be shrinking?

3. How is the method of spending dues money bringing everyone to CMH to write dozens of letters to management working, versus saddling up to the table with management or writing letters FROM THE ROAD LIKE A REAL STRONG UNION!?

4. How is it possible that the elected leadership can only maintain civilized and professional communications for two weeks; is the new method to have non-subject matter experts write disparaging articles to keep the "SMEs" clean (what does Trustee BM have to do with Safety? Wait, what does a non-SME G200 PIC Steward have to do with Safety?)?

5. How can you offer up an airline-style confidentiality agreement as standard and right? Name one airline using that agreement that has a working relationship with management.

Bonus: How can you continue to claim that a furlough is imminent and not have a dues refund for junior pilots on the table?

Fully-funded representation

You can dress it up all you like, but this is as good as it gets.



The "Where" questions are next, with a focus on the "Financial Reports" from the "Hard Working Treasurer"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Butt Right Questions

QS Goose Is Fair and Balanced
Here at Save The Golden Goose we get hundreds of emails a day. Today the fans that want the Goose to have zero profit and minimal sustainability were out in force. We have many minds to free before we can turn the tide against the Lupees epidemic. Some viewers had very polite questions that were in the interest of The Goose. The best one was, "Could we please have some questions for management?" This is truly an encouraging sign. Here are the "Butt Right" Questions - Episode 1:
  1. But capitulating to the union is always a possibility, right?
  2. But you are just following the advice of a union buster, right?
  3. But discipline is on the rise, right?
  4. But the union reps no longer have a seat at the table, right?
  5. But you are hiding information from the union, right?
  6. But none of you work 14/10, right?
  7. But labor peace is more productive than strife, right?
  8. But the wages in the union contract are less than the cost to the owners, right?
  9. But our prices are very competitive, right?
  10. But we can afford to recall pilots while demand for shares is down, right?
  11. But we can sell an unlimited number of cards, and go to 32 owners per aircraft, right?
  12. But we can maintain maintenance availability and refurbish the entire fleet all at the same time, right?
  13. But the union has matched the good-faith action of carrying unneeded pilots with an equal measure of good faith, right?
  14. But this is a strategy to bust the union, because no one would ever speak out on their own, right?
  15. But you know the right thing to do, even when the union will not show up to do business, right?
  16. But you still respect us, even if our representatives act like clowns, right?
  17. But if there wasn't a union, you would just fire all of the fatigue policy abusers, right?
  18. But all the union letters to the competition and the parent company have changed the way you do business, right?
  19. But everyone knows that the 350 hours I fly a year are really grueling, right?
  20. But you must understand... my parents were divorced and I am so accustomed to playing Mom against Dad that ONE of you will just give me anything I want, right?
  21. But you are looking out for my best interest too, right?
  22. But you know that spending too much time online lowers IQ and anything I post at night is probably under the influence of some sort of substance, right?
  23. But you know that even though I am captain qualified I am so afraid to speak with anyone in the flight center that I'd rather let a raving lunatic speak for me, right?
  24. But you don't pay me enough to read anything you send out, right?
  25. But who cares what the owners think, right?
That should get you started. Thank you for the submissions. Now, a bonus section... "Butt Right" Questions for QS Goose:
  1. But, you are just a member of management or a consultant, right? No and No. I am your William Wallace. You are asleep.
  2. But, what makes you so special that you think you can actually represent the analogy of the company as a Golden Goose, right? I am not special, other than I read everything - everything - and I am responsible for my actions. I even voted for the Source of Lupees. I know that I must not sit back and let others speak for me, and if my kids are going to go to college and if I am going to retire then The Goose must remain healthy.
  3. But, the union said it had to be you, so that's true, right? I think what they are trying to say is, "Please do not consider for a moment that The Goose is one of us who is unhappy with all of the bullying."
  4. But, if you're one of us then you have been reading the message boards, right? Yes I am and yes I do and no I am not him, I actually care about YOU.
  5. But, you know that at some point you will have to answer to the content of this blog and will have to say something for yourself, right? Yes and yes, I am ready. I will say, "It was worth every minute. Honk It, Baby - Honk It!"
This may not be enough to please or satisfy you, but it should be enough to keep you contented but somewhat mortified.



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Simple Questions - Episode 2

De "Lions" mey be Lyin' wen dey anser u . . .

The "What" Questions:
  1. What is the NJASAP plan for 2011, anyway?
  2. What are the top ten, no, top three goals of the association?
  3. What are the plans to get to those goals?
  4. What are the milestones to those plans?
  5. What are the top risks to accomplishing your plans?
  6. What are the key issues that face the membership?
  7. What are the pertinent details of the fleet plan as they pertain to us?
  8. What is the current NJASAP budget for the LMRP?
  9. What is the current budget for supplemental pay for Executive Board Members?
  10. What is the current schedule of stipends for "volunteers" and "stewards"?
  11. What is the travel and expense budget for NJASAP for 2011?
  12. What are the details of trips to date?
  13. What locations, what hotels, what personnel?
  14. What was the purpose of each trip?
  15. What was accomplished during each trip?
  16. What is the career progression plan for the union staff?
  17. What is the compensation structure for union staff (is it fair and equitable)?
  18. What are the assignments for each union staff member?
  19. What are the 2011 goals for each of the union staff members?
  20. What is the current status of the "war chest"?
  21. What are the plans for dues refunds?
  22. What are the plans for reducing the dues amount or rate?
  23. What is the plan, if you really believe things are bad and furloughs are imminent, to refund or suspend dues to the bottom 200 pilots?
  24. What are the specific goals of the NJASAP PAC?
  25. What is the 2011 plan to accomplish the goals of the NJASAP PAC?
  26. What is the plan to communicate progress, besides blaming management for everything?
  27. What is the union strategic plan for influencing management?
  28. What is the plan for representation after the parent company decides to shrink the company because the rhetoric is interpreted as industrial action?
  29. What is the union plan to sell a company with high debt, high aircraft orders, low productivity, and the richest labor agreements in the history of aviation?
  30. What accountability and responsibility does the union have for the training program at the company?
  31. What accountability and responsibility does the union have for the safety program at the company?
  32. What is the purpose behind alienating current management by making personal attacks and unfounded accusations during pilot meetings, phone calls, and FBO meetings?
  33. What is the purpose behind refusing to work with several managers?
  34. What would the reply be if management refused to work with certain Stewards or executive board members?
  35. What is the reasoning behind repeatedly demanding that certain managers are disciplined or fired without substantiated cause, while pilots who should be disciplined with cause are defended with the full force of the entire membership?
  36. What is the strategy behind telling only one side of the story in these situations?
  37. What is the purpose behind sending personal attack emails to members of management indirectly threatening their families? 
  38. What is the need for such unbelievable defensiveness?
  39. What is the plan for restoring credibility to the union representational organization?
  40. What steps are necessary to be taken seriously by management?
  41. What have the written responses been from management at the parent company?
  42. What has been your involvement in management politics?
  43. What contact have you made with management at our competition?
  44. What efforts have you made to attempt to manipulate pilot behavior?
  45. What messages have you sent to call pilots to write up airworthy airplanes?
  46. What is with the hand full of union-selected pilots you have abusing the fatigue policy and causing honest pilots to be unexpectedly extended?
  47. What messages have you sent to pilots advising them that it is more lucrative to abuse fatigue than use sick time?
  48. What plan does the leadership have for mending fences with management?
  49. What is your motivation for canceling long-standing confidentiality agreements?
  50. What is the purpose of deflecting blame onto management for lack of unity in your own leadership?
  51. What is the plan for negotiating to close the holes in our scope clause?
  52. What is the purpose behind empowering NJE pilots to take away our international flying?
  53. What is the purpose behind meeting with non-pilot groups, lying to them, and encouraging them to organize and further weaken the Golden Goose?
  54. What amount of union funds have been spent on activities like the above that are, in fact, harmful to the membership?
  55. What is the plan to prevent additional furloughs?
  56. What are you going to do after you have burnt the last bridge?
  57. What is the actual evidence behind your latest round of distracting accusations?
  58. What is your explanation for firing so many productive union volunteers?
  59. What is your explanation for intimidating Board Members that do not agree with you?
  60. What are the details your plans to reward loyal union thugs with additional paid days off?
  61. What is the plan for partnering with the management team?
  62. What have you done to convince the new chairman to meet with you?
  63. What have you done to restore honor to the privilege of representing others?
  64. What amount of flight time do you have in your log book?
  65. What amount of line experience do you have in the last 6, 12, 18 months?
  66. What amount of time do union volunteers, including you, spend AT HOME doing "union duty"?
  67. What is the purpose behind being a "career union guy"?
  68. What was the last dispute that you brought to a mutually acceptable solution?
  69. What was the last "solution" that you presented to management that you did not actually EXPECT to be rejected?
  70. What will the harm be to the CBA when we lose even one meritless class-action grievance? 
  71. What is the purpose in filing grievances that you know will fail?
  72. What do you hope to accomplish by not meeting with your counterpart in management - EVER - and refusing to even make or receive phone calls?
  73. What have the responses been to your massive letter-writing-instead-of meeting campaign?
  74. What do you hope to accomplish by purposely cutting yourself off from confidential information?
  75. What are you using to inform your business decisions?
  76. What is the plan to speak with credibility without access to the information you need to do your job?
  77. What are your dealings with former executives, former employees, and other disgruntled individuals that would like to see the Golden Goose fail?
  78. What information do the enemies of the Golden Goose have that help you?
  79. What is your plan to restore your credibility?
  80. What amount of time do you spend trying to silence dissenting voices rather than considering how to better represent them?
  81. What are you going to do about all these simple questions other than to say the list is too exhaustive to respond to and that it must all be union busting?
  82. What will you say when the whispers begin, "hey, that's five questions I sent to Goose"?
  83. What would you say if you were told that EVERY question in this list came in via email - in the last 36 hours?
  84. What will any answer look like that is not an excuse, deflection, or counter-attack? 
  85. What does a letter or story that you or your thugs write for yourself look like, other than an absence of "to wits," "henceforths," and a peppering of "thuslyness"?
  86. What will you do when the rest of the pilots begin thinking for themselves and demand concise, honest answers backed up by solid data?
  87. What will it take for you to put the interests of the pilots above your own personal interests?
  88. What are your plans for retirement?
  89. What consultant gigs are available for people with your experience?
  90. What is IBT 1108 up to?
  91. What is IBT 1108 doing for the industry and the profession?
  92. What are your strategic plans to protect us from seniority integration (1108)?
  93. What kind of representation is required to keep 300 pilots from signing a recall petition?
  94. What is the explanation for why phone calls from members are not returned?
  95. What is the explanation for why emails from members are not returned?
  96. What is the reasoning behind selectively backing certain grievances of "friends of the union" and ignoring the issues of others?
  97. What is with all the anger? 
  98. What is with the non-stop sniping?
  99. What is with the lack of openness to criticism?
  100. What is with the quitting your position and then staying on the job?
  101. What does integrity mean to you / what the Hell are you doing with my money?

"What is with all the anger?" Have faith - even Britney recovered!

Thanks to all for your many contributions. I bet the next golden egg that these questions will be ignored, responded to generally, or selectively picked out and put in the spinning machine. Good luck with your Lupees recovery.



[More to come . . . ]
["When" questions . . . ]
["Where" questions . . . ]
["How" questions . . . ]
[An my favorite . . . ]
["Who" questions.]

Maybe union duty ain't so fluffy after all.

Monday, June 6, 2011


The Zombies Want The Goose To Be Quiet
Tomorrow night: Simple Questions - Episode 2

Can't We All Just Get Along? Sure!

"Yes We Can." But it is not in the hands of the pilots,
it's in the hands of the elected representatives.

When I think of their aversion to collaboration with
those who love the Goose, and how they have been
snuggling up and spending good dues money on
organizing other groups and empowering European
pilots to threaten our scope, it takes me on a
Journey down memory lane, the last time I was
betrayed . . . . . .

Some day, the Duty of Fair Representation will
inspire their faith, then we can do all the Lovin',
Touchin', and Squeezin we pay dues for.

Honk Honk Honk Honk Honka
Honk Honk a Honk Honk
Honk Honk Honk Honk Honka
Honka Honka Honk


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Viewer Mail - VIOLATION?

    What was the name of that movie?

Dear QSG:
Did you know there is an NJASAP Code of Ethics that is enforceable by the membership?

Dear Arnold,
Yes, I do recall that such a provision exists. 
Here it is:
"2.3: Code of Ethics
Officers, volunteers, representatives and staff are expected to adhere to the following code:
I will faithfully discharge my duties to the Association and will faithfully adhere to the Bylaws and the rules set forth in applicable law. I will conduct my affairs with the Association in such a manner as to bring credit to the Association and myself. As a representative of the membership, I will, at all times, keep my personal appearance and conduct above reproach. I will respect other Officers, committee members and employees in the service of the Association and will hold business secrets in confidence. I will faithfully adhere to the policies, directives and resolutions of the Executive Board. I will not publish articles, give interviews, or permit my name to be used in any manner likely to bring discredit to the Association. I will continue to keep abreast of labor developments and industry trends so that my skill and judgment may be of the highest order, and I will faithfully fulfill the obligations of this Code of Ethics."
I feel better already.
Honk It!

The Juice is Loose for The Goose

Oh Sure, The Call Is Definitely NOT Coming From Inside The House ;)

Send In The Clowns

Oh boy, it's such a nice weekend, and I am in bed with Lupees. I have it bad, and probably won't be laying any golden eggs any time soon. Maybe you can help - here are my symptoms:


El Presedento and his Lupees-ridden Zombies are acting like O.J. Simpson on their desperate search for the "real killers." They claim that this blog is unhelpful to NetJets and damaging to everyone. Fellow Aviators, the fan mail, notes of encouragement, and positive feedback on the line are quite the opposite. This blog is seen by the silent majority for what it is, pure satire that pulls down the pants of dishonest, self-serving, people who abuse their power and take money from the pilots and then harm NetJets (The Golden Goose). It's real simple, fans and haters alike should listen up: If you read through this blog you can clearly see that the only people actively working to damage NetJets is El Presedente and his Lupeeites.

As for their Juice-like hunt for the "real killer", the message board posts, emails, phone calls to and from yours truly (QS Goose) and current/former volunteers, stewards, and executive board members, gives me all the information any other active and self-aware line pilot needs. After all - it's MY DUES MONEY that is being used to harm The Golden Goose. Just to help them out in their "protesteth too much" approach, I'll give them all the bread crumbs they need to find out who QS Goose is and what they can do about it. Here goes:

1. Line qualified pilot
2. Former union activist
3. Recently on vacation
4. Regularly communicates with executive board members
5. Regularly communicates with stewards
6. Protected by all laws that allow freedom of speech and expression

So... come and get me, biaches! Honk!


The recent pattern of emails, posts, and [political] news letter content from El Presendento and the Lunpeeites shows that they are under pressure to behave more professionally and approach problems in a way that is mutually beneficial to their constituents and The Golden Goose - a nice demonstration of symbiosis that may come at the expense of El Presenento's political power, also known as doing their job. Where is the pressure coming from? Do you really think it is internal and self-motivated? Has the NJASAP Executive Board recovered from Lupees and suddenly decided to act professionally? Your faithful Goose doubts that very much. What is more likely is that my fellow pilots are waking up to the fact that their "elected" leaders think they are idiots and just want to protect their own time off, since work is hard and union duty is quite fluffy. What is even more likely is that questions sent to this blog and incorporated into posts here actually reflect what's going on on the line. Something the Lupeeites would know if they got out and flew. So thank you for honking when you see a Lupeeite, it may turn what I think is a temporary laspse in bad behavior into longer lasting professionalism.

Their behavior of late has put a tune in my head that I just can't get out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Frank Sinatra:


My beloved Goslings, don't be distracted by hardened union representatives doing their best to imitate Japanese diplomats in August of 1941, there are several unresolved lies, ongoing acts of harm, and complete lack of professionalism going on:

- Why has there been no progress made in signing new confidentiality agreements? How can we trust anything the Lupeeites say if they are pushing there own personal agendas?

- Why have their been no guarantees of no additional furloughs? Shouldn't my association be getting in there and working to relieve the pain points in exchange for my job protection? W-T-F!?!

- Why do the Lupeeites on the various message boards keep spinning the truth to harm the current management team? They play fair and diplomatic in the clear, but behind the scenes mar the truth. Just this Thursday an E-Board member told my Captain that he knew the donation to the OSU Center for Aviation Studies was a part of the re-structuring of the original 50 million dollar commitment to OSU and the James Center / Peletonia that was negotiated down to the 2 million donation to the aviation program - as announced in 2009. Ahem - that's a 48 million dollar savings, and NO confidentiality agreement needed to set the record straight. I suppose those with Lupees would rather NetJets had furloughed the full 899 and got the savings that way -that's what's best for their political power and sailing schedule. The Board member went on to say that El Presedento was looking for anything to call management's judgment into question and that it was another great opportunity to make pilots aware that they were being "ripped off" on "distance learning" (see post below) and get them motivated to back the union, even if it bent the truth a little. WOW. What gives, Lupeeites?


So sad, so sad. I am not even sure I can honk one out for you. Deny, deny, deny, and lie. That pattern continues, despite their too-little-too-late brush with professional communications. Stay strong, my fellow Aviators. Perhaps when you see one of them at an FBO, or hear a Lupeeite on the radio, you can honk for me. I will be spending the weekend on the couch trying to recover. Some day aviators will be represented by dedicated professionals interested in mutual success and respect. Until then, enjoy the clowns - it could be worse - they could me mimes.

Don't forget to send me your feedback at and follow me on Twitter @QSGoose.



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lupees Damages The Y Chromosome

             Definitely broken Y chromosomes here.

 "Y Questions"

  1. Why won’t you sign a confidentiality agreement?
  2. Why are you afraid of legal action from NetJets?
  3. Why did you gut the Union Safety Board?
  4. Why did you send that stuff to the Berkshire Hathaway Board?
  5. Why do you bash EVERY management team?
  6. Why do you bash your OWN volunteers?
  7. Why are you spending all OUR dues money on trips?
  8. Why will the Chairman not meet with you?
  9. Why are committee chairs getting fired so regularly?
  10. Why do you keep saying that the world is coming to an end?
  11. Why do you keep comparing NetJets to an airline?
  12. Why do you complain that the airplanes are ratty and then weeks later complain that refurbishing the fleet in the summer time is hurting availability?
  13. Why do you keep attacking the managers that serve us behind their backs?
  14. Why do you not want us to ask questions during recurrent?
  15. Why are you afraid of the truth?
  16. Why can you pretend to know the truth when you can't get data because a line pilot in class has a higher obligation to protect NetJets than you do since you broke the confidentiality agreements?
  17. Why are you burying the management team with letters that have no meaning?
  18. Why do you file grievances and then not move them through arbitration?
  19. Why do you file grievances that you know we will lose, thereby weakening our hard-fought CBA?
  20. Why are you spending money and resources organizing other employee groups and making it harder for NetJets to profit?
  21. Why can’t you see that your actions take money off the table?
  22. Why are you encouraging pilots to call in fatigued when you know that NetJets is measuring our activities like never before?
  23. Why are you taking the scuttlebutt from the message boards and not getting out there on the line and sitting next to an F/O that knows that NetJets knows everything they eat, do, and say, and is terrified that if he follows YOUR advice he will get fired?
  24. Why are you unable to secure just one improvement that is not given to you or already decided by NetJets?
  25. Why do you take credit for what NetJets does, but blame what you do on them?
  26. Why are you acting like we are in the middle of a labor fight when we are in the middle of the fight for market share?
  27. Why does senior management ask us to call them all the time and tells us that we are “executives in the field” and you treat us like we are dumbasses?
  28. Why are flight attendants and mechanics able to get along with NetJets?
  29. Why are you and your team so relaxed?
  30. Why do you know more about nautical rules than you do about aeronautical rules?
  31. Why do I get the feeling that our very own support staff is afraid for their jobs?
  32. Why is flying up since last year and yet you say dues revenue is down?
  33. Why are you so tan and youthful looking?
  34. Why can’t you just get your HONK on?

I know! Because Lupees causes damage to the Y chromosome, and softens brain tissue just like it softens golden egg shell.

Keep on Honkin’ Mutha Honkah’



Simple Questions: Episode 1

Let's get it started:

1. What are you doing with my money? May I see a balance sheet?
2. Why are you so tan?
3. Is this place on autopilot?
