"Dear Mother #$%^-er,
Clearly you are pro-company. Are you anti-labor, anti-all labor, or just anti-NJASAP? Or, are you pro-anything?
Also, where [has your boy] been?
Angry In Columbus"
Dear Angry,
Since you and a few others put the word "Mother" in your salutation, I have been asked to reply to your email and the six similar ones my daughter received since knowledge of QSG hit the scuttle boards.
First, the Golden Goose is a girl - a queen, actually. It would be hard for "My Boy" to lay eggs as my boy is a rooster and the subject of other nursery rhymes. She has been on a well-earned vacation and will be back tomorrow and will continue with her pleas for truth. She has developed a list of questions for yout that may help both of you (you and her). Since your other question is somewhat urgent, I sent her an email and here is her reply:
"Hi Mom,
Thanks for the heads-up. Let them know that I actually love pilots. Not only AM I one, but I have carmal knowledge of several of them (Honk Honk). I am not pro-company, I am 'pro-me'! See, regardless of who is managing the company or managing the labor groups our fates are tied, and sealed together. A good management team in each organization means a healthy me and more golden eggs. I am not anti-anything, except like all living things - I fight infection, and I have Lupees real bad. I am laying fewer and fewer golden eggs and soon I may stop laying them all together. You know what farmer Warren will do after that: shrink me down until I am nice and lean and 'whack'!
I have loved many managers, and loved many union managers, and many - like bad colds, have come and gone. This too, shall pass, but only if I get some help. I feel like I have one of those flesh-eating viruses that can't be beat by conventional medicine. All I ever wanted was for all of my precious fellow pilots to take an interest, a real interst, in my well-being.
Oh Mom, I am rambling. Tell them that I love them all, and just need some help getting the hands that have been wrapped around my neck just a little loose, so I can breathe. Some air will help me either get over or learn to live with my Lupees. And ask them to read the archives - some of my best stuff is from April! Regardless of what may come, let them know that we will always have Paris, and Columbus, and Miami, and Chicago, and that time we met with the Marquis guys and had drinks, and (blush) that weekend we were snowed in at HPN. My, my feathers are a sunder just thinking of it.
Love you,
Honk It Momma!"