His part of the Eno-Eno-Ruof has both types of music: Country and Western.
In the common-sense section, an NJASAP board member sings a little bit country by saying that each board member has a specific duty. He does go on to give a nice factual breakdown of three issues. These are clear signs of a Lupee Zombie having a lucid moment and making sense. It makes my gold-laying glands all tingly.
§ 2007 Amended Agreement §28.6 discusses the requirement of the Company to send shutdown messages to pilots at the end of every duty day.
Good info, but also consider – gasp – honk – egg – CALLING IN to confirm your status.
§ 28.3(E)(5) says voluntarily completing a static demo will be considered Administrative Duty.
Again – good facts, but one-sided advice. Do you have more than one or two stripes? THEN CALL and KEEP CALLING until your DO can solve the problem. That airplane ain’t goin’ anywhere (it be static) – so why are you working the message board instead of working proper channels……. Unless…… early onset Lupees???
§ Sections 28.3(E)(5) and 23.10
All three of these write-ups beg for common-sense, but the last one gets to the point. Remember “1-800-ACP?” The time has come to TRY to escalate a problem and get it resolved in real time through professional interaction with the team that supports us in the flight center. If that fails, then continue to escalate until we hit the corporate brick wall. If that fails, try and find a union volunteer that is Lupee-free. If that fails, the take your chances with one of the Zombies. Somewhere in there it is a good idea to file a grievance – NetJets tends to settle the ones filed by individuals, when they have merit. Merit means a NetJets team member made a mistake and wants to make us whole. Without merit is when a Lipeeite files a political flaming bag of animal waste and intends to let the stink fester on the docket until it gets enough attention.
In the changing attitudes section, the continued “Dey are not wissening to meeeeeeee” whining bellows on in what seems like a Western music ballad. Rather than write-up a song for you, I ask you to quickly read the section and “honk” when you see opinion and FUD instead of factual reporting. Read it and honk it fast enough and it’s a geni-ine honkey-tonk foot-stomper. Also, checking in on the Pygmalian Effect post below will help.
Honkey-Tonk Honk It!
Honkey-Tonk Honk It!