The No Jobs After Silly Avoidance of Partnership 411
Friday, April 29, 2001 Edition
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Lupees Letter:
(Remember, you have to have the 1-1-4 in your hand so you can read it and compare to this review. If you record it with an mp3 player and play it backwards, it sings "Joy, Joy, Joy, Collectin' Yer Dues" in the same key as the above video.)
1. Dinner with Owners
Names, names, names
So, broadcasting owner names without permission. That's good faith business and common-sense confidentiality. Where is the disclosure of swag? If Dichter was there, there was swag. Should I check Timbos Ebay account or wait for the DOL LM Forms to be completed?
2. Attendees
Wrong information
So if our association can't even get names and titles right, what else are they missing? What am I paying money for?
3. Open dialogue
No examples?
4. CEO will meet with us soon
Definitive statement of future meeting.
Meeting? What meeting? You can be sure a CEO will not even respond to an invitation without a sound confidentiality agreement in place, otherwise meetings are just grab-ass events where you get to spin spin spin the meaning of the event as a result of useless banter. That seems to be a consistent theme here.
5. Bargaining
Aired concerns during pilot briefings.
I just attended recurrent two months ago and it was a Q & A. Instead of being shouted down, attacked on the union message board, and intimidated by stipened thugs at FBOs, we asked questions, and got answers. They gave up personal time to stay afterward and were even willing to admit wrong-doing in several cases. Who represents who around here?
6. Enumerated list: (Number, please reference the fish wrapper, reality)
#1 Confidentiality
Why not? So you can bend and twist the truth and continue to pass along info to the competition in Europe and Cleveland? That's right, supporting overseas NetJets and Flight Options pilots is more of a threat to my flying than anything you have identified since being elected.
#2 Furlough Clarification
We are overstaffed. Sokol is gone. We have no golden-boy sponsoring our sell-more-shares-than-we-can-support "Marquis 2.0" business plan. When BRK comes and looks us over a second time they will find you and Eyer babbling nonsensically. I have put my application in at American Eagle because if I were Warren, I'd order a furlough of 600 more right now. Get a grip and start acting like you represent pilots.
#3 Early outs
That will go over great with everyone else. Keep acting the way you are and enough senior and junior people will man the lifeboats all by themselves.
#4 Leaves of absence
See #4. PS This is not Europe, never was, never will be. Dork.
#5 Recording phone calls
So, years ago you wanted it, then you didn't, now you do again. I am sure they will be really happy to record the calls - they will be able to gather evidence and fire the jackasses that don't know their airplanes and can't communicate like professionals. That would solve our overstaffing problem by a hundred or so. Of course, you would have to go fly the line for us to have the ultimate improvement in professionalism.
#6 Logbooks
LMRP - Done. Read your own reports. It's been part of the plan for a year. Great job.
# 7 Training
See #6. Why on earth would they not want your hand-chosen disruptors in their meetings? I dunno, let me review your communications merry-go-round....
Distance learning LOA back on table? So you cancelled the letter where you cancelled that part of the contract? Did I miss something?
7. Timko and Lieff go to Washington
Who's who going to bargain.
This is clearly a waste of dues. Show me a union president that has signed a confidentiality agreement, actually shows up, is prepared to conduct mutually beneficial business, and I'll show you dues money at work. When is the next presidential election? I guess until then I will have to wait for more merry-go-round sniper rounds and dove tails shot from the bow of the presidential sail boat. How much of that is funded by my dues? The union priorities are clearly wrong. Clear out your damn class action grievance backlog, show up at the table and try, just try, to improve/save NetJets, save the golden goose?
8. Safety meeting
Witch hunt.
Seriously? An invitation to collaborate turned into a one-sided witch-hunt?
9. Safety culture
Just Culture?
Compare the Goose to any other culture, OR just go out and fly a bit.
10. Trip to American and Southwest
Trip to other airlines.
Airlines? Will all the airline pilots please stand up?
Timbo Letter:
Safe and professional
Could not agree more.
I see. Open the contract and make all schedules Wednesday only. Then fight like hell for the message board idiots to make every other Wednesday off. See you all in the unemployment line.
Hnk. Hnk.